Institute for Innovative Global Education

Osaka, Japan
- Universities, administrators and faculty
- Undergraduate students
- Graduate students
All regions
- Partnering activities and/or a partnering platform
- Leadership training for staff/admins
- Professional development for instructors
- Conferences, workshops and webinars
- A VE platform or LMS
- A unique, facilitated VE program
- General consulting
- Japanese
- English
The Institute for Innovative Global Education (IIGE) aims to build new ties and strengthen those existing between Japanese and higher education institutions all over the world. Using widely-available technology, students and faculty will work together across borders by applying the Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) method. IIGE will serve to generate new partnerships by introducing this mode of virtual collaboration, in particular with higher education institutions in the United States through the U.S- Japan COIL Initiative.
Kansai University has been at the forefront of COIL initiatives in Japan and has recently been awarded significant funding from Japan's Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) under the Inter-University Exchange Project –Supporting Exchange with U.S. Universities Using COIL-style Education–. As the successful recipient of this funding, Kansai University is launching a new Institute for Innovative Global Education (IIGE). IIGE will act as the platform for COIL initiative in Japan for this MEXT project. One of its main goals is to promote exchange between students in Japan and U.S. to strengthen relations between the two countries.
These are the services we provide to the field:
- Central secretariat of the Japan-COIL association, a network of over 50 Japanese universities involved in COIl/VE
- Platform and networks to build new ties and strengthen those existing between Japanese and higher education institutions all over the world.
- Networking and COIL/VE matching opportunities
- COIL/VE webinars, seminars, workshops and conferences
- Professional development and consulting
- COIL/VE programs
- Advanced and hybrid programs
- Whitepapers
- Research on evaluation and impact of VE/COIL
- Micro credentialing
IIGE continues to develop new and innovative COIL 2.0 educational programs for Kansai University and its overseas partner institutions. Some of our current program offerings include:
Regular VE/COIL courses:
Long-term, short-term, bi-lateral, multi-lateral, synchronous, asynchronous; inter- and intradisciplinary
Advanced Programs:
- Kansai University-Engaged/Exchange Online Learning (KU-EOL) Program: https://supportiige.wixsite.com/ku-eol
- Japan-Multilateral COIL/VE Project: https://kuiige.wixsite.com/j-mcp
- COIL plus programs: https://www.kansai-u.ac.jp/Kokusai/IIGE/COILPlus/
- SDGs & Business web 3.0 Metaverse Program: https://www.kansai-u.ac.jp/Kokusai/IIGE/news/detail.php?seq=323
Discussion of Costs and Fees
Membership of the JPN-COIL association is FREE at present.